Within the Margaret Kerr Unit there is a piece of art called ‘Lasting Impressions’. This is a mosaic of handmade tiles created by Jedburgh based artist Clair Norris. Each tile reflects involvement in the unit whether it be as a patient, relative, member of staff or kind supporter. Tiles have been imprinted to give texture to the piece, with fabrics and objects which are personal to the creator. These mosaic tiles were then built up into a number of hexagonal panels designed to flow across the wall of one of the day lounges within new unit.
We would like to invite you to our latest tile-making workshop to make your own lasting impression. The new panels will be installed on the exterior wall of the Margaret Kerr Unit.
12pm-5pm, 6 November (no appointment necessary). The Tryst, Chaplaincy Centre, Borders General Hospital. Please bring along something special to you to imprint on the day. Call 01896 826888 for further information.