Festival 2023

Windows of Reality: 100 Puppets and Stories from around the Highlands about COVID-19

Organised by Creativity in Care CIC

Friday November 3rd 2023, on the hour every hour from 12:30-6:30pm

Jim Love Studio, Eden Court, Inverness

This event is open to the public

You are invited to come along anytime between 12.30pm and 6.30pm for an exciting installation with stories, puppets and a short film called 'Windows of Reality' supported by The National Lottery Community Fund Scotland.

On the hour, every hour, we will share stories about all-embracing life experiences about Covid-19 through the eyes of some of the 100 puppets. The stories and puppets were created by people from Caithness, East and West Ross-shire, Sutherland, Inverness-shire, and Lochaber.

Thanks to everyone involved including Centred Scot, Evanton Wood Community Company, Cromarty Youth Cafe, #CromartyFourWays, #FamiliesLivingWithLongTermConditions, #HighlandAlcoholAndDrugPartnership and all the creatives, choreographer, musician, puppet director, artists and makers.

See a 5-minute clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt8C0D7w1Ow

Content warning: there is a lot about death (through illness and suicide) and about grief which is being shared at the event.

This event also creates space for people to share their own stories.

You can find out more here.

Image credit: Creativity in Care CIC

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