Festival 2022

Remembrance Service

Organised by the End of Life Quality Improvement Group, Critical Care, Royal Alexandra Hospital Paisley

A group photo of six members of the End of Life Quality Improvement Group at RAH. They are standing outdoors in the sunshine with a tree, a hospital building, and a blue sky behind them. Most of them are wearing scrubs and all are smiling.

Our service of remembrance will be held on the 26th of November 2022 at 10 am in the chapel at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley, followed by refreshments in the HALO gardens just outside (weather permitting).

This remembrance service has been arranged by staff within the Intensive Care (ICU) and High dependency Unit (HDU) in the Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH), Paisley, recognising the loss that families have endured through the Covid 19 pandemic. This was compounded by the isolation requirements in place at the time that did not always allow families to be physically with their loved ones during their last hours. Our staff also found this time extremely difficult, and this is also a chance for them to pay their respects. It also aims to celebrate the lives of the patients who have died and to recognise the courage and dignity of those left behind.

This non-denominational service will take place in the chapel at the RAH on 26 November with a tour of the HALO gardens which have been created as a lasting memorial to those who died in the pandemic. We hope to create memories for families and staff by encouraging both groups to write short notes that we will display on a wooden memorial tree that will remain as an everlasting reminder of those departed.

This will be followed by refreshments within the hospital and an opportunity for staff and families to mingle, share memories and pay homage.

Photo credit: End of Life Quality Improvement Group, Critical Care, Royal Alexandra Hospital Paisley

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