Stories and poems from Craigie High School, Dundee


Margaret was born in 1932, she is 83 years old. She has dementia.

Her last husband died of cancer 10 years ago. His name was Douglas and he was around 80.

When asked what the best thing about him was, she said, ‘everything’. He was a nice person, and he didn’t drink. He was a very caring person and a good laugh. He was an engineer and flew planes.

In their spare time they were always together.

She is very proud of her son Paul who is 51. He wanted to be an actor. She had wanted to be a nurse when she was young.

I was her husband of many years

I listened to her voice which was music to my ears

I was always around and we had a good laugh

She was very special, my other half

I was an engineer, working on planes,

Then I got cancer and it was no fun and games

I was only 80 when I had to leave,

I didn’t want to, she was everything to me.

I was in the clouds, watching from above,

She was sad and lonely, Paul giving her hugs,

My loving son of 51,

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