From the 1- 7 November there will be a remembrance tree in the Calman Cancer Support Centre, Gartnavel Hospital Campus. All are welcome to come and dedicate a message on the tree to someone they would like to remember who has touched their life but has now passed away.
On the evening of Thursday 3rd November, from 5pm - 7pm anyone is welcome to come along and share memories, sing a song, tell a story or a poem or remember an absent friend in any way you would like.
The service manager will be facilitating the event.
1-7 November, Calman Cancer Support Centre, Gartnavel Hospital Campus, 75 Shelley Road, Glasgow G12.
Come along to the upstairs room at the Sheep Heid Inn to commemorate in stories, poems or reminiscences, members of the community who are no longer with us but live on in our memories.
This is a free, informal gathering in our local environment to allow people to celebrate the lives of former neighbours, relatives or friends.
7pm, 7 November 2016, Sheep Heid Inn, Edinburgh.
Social and personal support mechanisms are hugely important in helping people to cope with bereavement, yet religious and/or community-based support networks are non-existent for many people in Scotland. Families, friends and communities genuinely want to support people through bereavement, but often struggle to know how. Rituals of remembrance and memorialisation can build solidarity, yet many Scottish traditions relating to the expression of loss and remembrance have faded over time. To Absent Friends, a people’s festival of storytelling and remembrance, was initiated in Scotland in 2014, to try to address some of these issues. This session will explore how the festival builds community resilience and brings remembrance into the open – from schools to care homes; from Govan to Stornoway, from concert halls to working men’s clubs.
This workshop is taking place as part of Social Aspects of Death, Dying and Bereavement , a conference being held on 5 November 2016, St Stephen's Church, Glasgow.
Accord Hospice are planning a range of activities in memory of absent friends in the Day Therapy Centre, for staff, residents and relatives. There will also be a wall of remembrance at Reception.
1- 4 November, Accord Hospice, Paisley.
Wardie Parish Church in Edinburgh will be holding a special service on 23rd October at 11am “In loving memory” of those who have died during the preceding year.
Throughout To Absent Friends week (1-7 November), the church will be open every day from 10am - 4pm for people to come and spend time reflecting on those who have died. There will be a table in the Sanctuary where congregation members and members of the local community will be invited to bring memorabilia or perhaps just write the name of their absent friend in a memory book. There will also be resources available and memorabilia from last year’s festival.
11 am, 23 October AND 10am - 4pm, 1- 7 November, Wardie Parish Church, Edinburgh.
Image © Copyright Richard West and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence